About Me


Special thank you to Elizabeth Garcia and Sarajean C. for jumpstarting my creative passion for digital art at SDCC 2022.

About Me

When I began playing as Zevrad, I was just a reader with a simple goal, but that goal has evolved into what you see before you. It has become my desire, my dream, to express my creativity through writing. None of this would have been possible were it not for those closest to me and the artists, who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past four years. They have allowed me to begin this journey for their contributions have expanded, complimented, and inspired the story that you'll read ahead.

I love writing. I love being a writer, the author. But most of all, I love creativity.

It is my passion because I am allowed to do whatever I want when I write. There aren't any rules, only guardrails. I can write wholesome things or sad things, grand or short stories, even poetry. It has become an outlet for me to express my deepest emotions in my life and what I see in my mind.

If you have read my previous works with me over the past four years, reading the Wikia pages and short stories I share on the Internet, thank you. I appreciate it and you. If this is your first encounter with my works, then I hope you find something in this site to inspire you, distract you, amuse you, make you wonder, make you think, or simply make you want to read on.

Thank you for reading this, my reader. I hope you enjoy.

Any questions? Feel free to DM me via Discord: Lore#9187.
